Hot dogs on buns are topped with HORMEL® Chili Beans and shredded Cheddar cheese and baked until very hot.

This was very good! So easy and a quick meal. I did also add diced onion and used Mexican mix cheese instead. I might add jalapeño or chili powder next time to try how it would taste as a spicy version.
Gotta say I loved these. Prefer them over a normal chili dog actually less messy and I loved the crunch that was added by baking them. My family seems to agree and I’ve made these twice in the last month. Definitely something I will make often. My son took some leftovers to school the next day and told me that they reheated great.
I just made these. It was super easy to make and quick too. I added chopped onions after it was finished baking. I also boiled the hot dogs before preparing the dish. The canned Hormel chili was good! I was concerned how the canned chili would taste but no problem. I used krft medium cheddar cheese and i shredded it with my old fasioned metal cheese shreddar. I will make again soon. Thank you for the recipe!
My son loves chili dogs and this recipe kicks it up a notch. I made the Vegetarian Chili Recipe by julieliz here instead of the Hormel and that makes lots of leftover chili for those not really interested in chili dogs. I used bakery hot dog buns and jumbo hot dogs and threw the dogs on the BBQ for a few minutes to get some nice grill marks. Next time I’ll use regular size dogs because it made a pretty big portion with all the chili and cheese – he had no problem with that though!

Ingredients :

hot dogs

8 hot dog buns

1 can of chili

1/2 an onion, diced

cheddar cheese



sweet relish

Directions :

Line inside of hot dog buns with mayonnaise and sweet relish. (I know this sounds crazy, but the mayo did something magical to the bread! It stayed super soft and yummy!)

Evenly add mustard (I added ketchup too).

Fill with hot dogs and squish into a 13×9″ baking pan.

Top hot dogs with chili, cheese, and diced onion.

Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 350F for 45 minutes.

Carefully remove from the pan with a spatula.

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