
Who doesn’t like to eat homemade nougat at Christmas? Well, in RecetasGratis we help you kill this craving by showing you an easy and quick recipe for peanut milk nougat.

There are all kinds of recipes for turrón, but one of the simplest is this one in which we will only use 6 ingredients. You’ll see how with a little milk, sugar and peanuts you’ll get a delicious dessert, a perfect Christmas recipe to share, give as a gift or have on hand for snacks. The end result will taste great and the kids will love it, so keep reading and discover how to make peanut milk nougat.


1 egg white
70 cubic centimeters of water
200 grams of sugar (1 cup)
4 drops of vanilla essence
1½ tablespoons of milk powder
150 grams of roasted peanuts


Steps to follow to make this recipe:

1 To prepare the homemade turrón, put the water and sugar to heat in a pan or saucepan. Form a syrup until it reaches the point of a hard ball. You will notice that it starts to make more and more intense bubbles. Another test you can do is to put a drop of syrup in a glass of water. When it falls to the bottom, grab that little ball with your fingers and it should be hard.

Tip: Don’t stir the syrup while cooking so that the sugar doesn’t crystallize. To prevent it from burning, move the pan slightly.


2- Beat the white into the snow. When it reaches the point, slowly pour the hot syrup in the form of a thread.

3- Continue beating until the preparation cools down and takes shape. Then, add the roasted peanuts, the vanilla essence drops and mix well.

4- Add the powdered milk and integrate the mixture of your homemade nougat very well.

5- Pour the preparation of the nougat into a mould of the desired shape with its base covered in film paper. Distribute all the preparation and crush it very well so that the Christmas nougat is well armed.

If you want to continue trying these desserts, here is the recipe for turrón de Jijona

6- Take the peanut butter and milk nougat to the refrigerator for a few hours until it reaches a solid consistency. When it hardens, it’s ready to enjoy


If you liked the recipe for Peanut Milk Nougat, we suggest you enter our category of Nougat Recipes.

Homemade Peanut Nougat – Suggestions and other recipes
Preparing homemade turrones is one of the best ways to spend time with your family, as they are a simple and quick dessert that everyone can learn a lot about cooking with. Besides, nothing will beat making your own turrones at home, a healthier way to enjoy them than their commercial version. The calories of peanut brittle are approximately 80 calories per serving.

You can also use the turrones as the main ingredient of other dessert or drink recipes, as is the case of these turron custard, this turron and chocolate cake or this turron coquito, perfect for a change in the Christmas menu!



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