This recipe uses chocolate syrup. It is a very moist and delicious brownie. It is also one of my favorite brownie recipes. Store in airtight container. The Hershey Syrup gives the brownies their nice chocolaty flavor and super moist texture.

Have You Ever Had HERSHEY’S SYRUP BROWNIES Before? Now Is A Great Time!

Wonderful brownies! They are moist and tasty. I baked them on a cookie sheet and they baked very quickly! The frosting is great on top. Thanks for posting it!

I am a fairly new baker, and the instructions on this were not as explanatory as I needed! Everything went well, but I didn’t realize the frosting would be so watery. I took the brownies out of the pan before I put the b/c frosting on, I only wanted to make half of it. Next time I will definitely leave the brownies in the pan for that part. I think the frosting is necessary because the brownies are not very sweet. I also used a frying pan 9″ x 13″ and baked some more. They were really good, thanks!

To make this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

For the ingredients and complete cooking instructions, please go to the following page or open the (>) button and don’t forget to .


1/2 cup butter ( no substitutes, melt in microwave)
1 cup granulated sugar
4 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup flour
1 (16 ounce) cans Hershey’s syrup
1 cup chopped nuts (optional) Icing
3 cups confectioners’ sugar
1/2 cup butter, melted ( no subs)
4 tablespoons cocoa
4 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


How to make it:

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease the bottom of a 10 by 15 inch pan
2. After melting butter in microwave, cream sugar and butter together. Add eggs, one at a time and beating well after each addition.
3. Add vanilla extract.
4. Add flour, mix well.
5. Add Hershey syrup, mix well.
6. Add chopped nuts, if using.
7. Pour batter into pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until brownies test done with a toothpick.
8. When the brownies are almost done baking, prepare icing.
9. Bring to boil in the microwave, the butter, cocoa and 1 T. milk.
10. In a mixing bowl, add confectioners’ sugar. Add the cocoa mixture to the sugar and beat well. Add 1 t.
vanilla extract. Add the rest of the milk. Add enough to get the desired spreading consistency.
11. Let brownies cool about 5-10 minutes. Spread icing on brownies. Sprinkle with some more chopped
nuts, if desired. The icing will harden to a fudge-like consistency.
12. Let brownies cool completely before cutting into squares.

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